How many employees in Shandong Fuhua Axle?
Shandong Fuhua Axle Co., Ltd has had more professionals to provide better services to customers. Now our staff includes skilled engineers, professional sales team and thoughtful after-sales team, who have accumulated many years of experience in the field of trailer leaf springs . They are the soul of our various departments like R&D department, design department, production and sales department.

Highly recognized by customers, Shandong Fuhua Axle owns rich experience in developing and manufacturing trailer parts. According to the material, Shandong Fuhua Axle's products are divided into several categories, and trailer parts is one of them. In creating the design of FUSAI hydraulic trailer axle, many elements are taken into account. These elements are the arrangement of lines, shapes, colors, and texture. It introduces either alloy steel or low-carbon steel as raw materials. Continuous and systematic quality management processes are carried out for providing quality guarantee. It is suited for manufacturers of trailers, trailers rental company or logistics companies.

FUSAI is always famous for its exquisite service. Welcome to visit our factory!
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